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Keeping Your Sanity. Hint: it’s not about the furniture

Recalibrating at home - without moving the furniture

This is a year like no other. The variety of stressors is abundant (trying to use a nice word here) so I won’t list them, except to say wow. We are all learning new ways of coping, surviving, and living as best a life as we can. The other day I hugged a friend and it was extraordinary. I felt a chemical and cellular shift - joy, connection. This is what we are missing. 

Tools for self care

Every day for months I woke up with a feeling of dread.  I’ve now realized how important it is to give some time my well-being t. The past month I’ve tried morning meditation, more stretching and exercise, going a bit easier on myself, and connecting more with friends -- the ones I laugh the most with.

Here are some of my favorites for daily care:

  • For meditation I like Insight Timer. They have lots of guided meditations as well as music and sound.

  • I’ve also been listening to the Abraham Hicks podcast, a bit woo-woo for some but she just makes sense (even if she does refer to herself in the third person). She is all about vibrational energy and what we attract with our thoughts. I clearly can’t control the outside world (and just ask my family, I’ve tried!) but might have a chance with my own thoughts.

  • For yoga and a really encouraging message, I like Yoga with Adriene.

Tips for working and schooling at home will not be found here. Rather,  I will say surround yourself with what you love, reminders of your happy place, and caring touches like lit candles or flowers. What feels luxurious or a bit romantic? A nice new throw blanket to cozy into (or perhaps refresh the one you have with a handwash in Dr. Bronner’s lavender soap). A flaky croissant with your coffee?

Romance and pamper yourself a bit - even if your kids are screaming and the internet is down.

And if you want some Calgon, it’s still available…